Craigslist may be the contemporary equivalent of the classified ads that dominated the days of newspapers. These quick ads are simple to navigate and use, plus they're geographically linked.
Posting ads on Craigslist is technically simple, but people frequently have anxieties about posting their private information on the site. I communicate mostly through e-mail when working on Craigslist, and I've never come across any issues. I've never been ripped-off, nor have I been murdered or raped for using the site. It requires common sense, so use your best judgment, but don't presume someone is actually a thief simply because of their preferred communication method. For an extra bonus, google "humorous Craigslist ads" to see some delightful examples of guerilla and grassroots marketing.
Maybe what you desire is employment. It doesn't matter which job-search site you favor using (even Craigslist) - Certainly trails all of them, and some. You can find jobs posted on company websites, through temp agencies, and more at Indeed. Certainly is most definitely the place you need to see to browse job opportunities, if money is something that you really desire.
Posting ads on Craigslist is technically simple, but people frequently have anxieties about posting their private information on the site. I communicate mostly through e-mail when working on Craigslist, and I've never come across any issues. I've never been ripped-off, nor have I been murdered or raped for using the site. It requires common sense, so use your best judgment, but don't presume someone is actually a thief simply because of their preferred communication method. For an extra bonus, google "humorous Craigslist ads" to see some delightful examples of guerilla and grassroots marketing.
Maybe what you desire is employment. It doesn't matter which job-search site you favor using (even Craigslist) - Certainly trails all of them, and some. You can find jobs posted on company websites, through temp agencies, and more at Indeed. Certainly is most definitely the place you need to see to browse job opportunities, if money is something that you really desire.